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Kombo Breaker - Episode 23: We're the Ones Being Interviewed?

The Godfather II Review At Kombo

The Godfather IINot content to spread the joy about The Godfather II for the Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, and PC only here on PTB, my review of the game for Kombo has just been published.  It's an adapted, shorter version of the mini-review published here earlier this week, but it does have a few new things to say, so be sure to check it out anyways.  Now, I'm not going to send you away without something completely new to enjoy, so allow me to share this short hip hop remix of the iconic Godfather theme as heard on YouTube.

Y'know, funny thing about that Kombo review: it's actually shorter than its PTB mini-review counterpart.  So why is the PTB version a mini-review if it's longer than the Kombo text?  Once upon a time, Kombo reviews had a 2,000 word requirement.  Whenever I had something to say on PTB in a review context, it was often much shorter than a Kombo review, so adding the mini- qualifier made sense.  Over the years things have gradually flipped, as Kombo now has an 800 word ballpark requirement, meaning that the spillover to mini-review territory has grown in size accordingly. 
