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Nintendo Planning Video Service For Wii, DS

Wii consoleThe video game console wars often boil down to the childhood sentiment of "anything you can do, I can do better," and with Microsoft and Sony offering their own ways to play video on demand via their ubiquitous consoles, it seems odd that Nintendo would want to break into that aspect of entertainment now.  Still, word has it that the company is planning some sort of video service for the Wii and DS.  Joystiq has the quote:

"If the Wii and the DS are connected, it should be possible to download video through the Wii and take it with you on the DS," Iwata told the [Wall Street] Journal, explaining that, "When the service begins, you'll see how we're going to do it differently in a Nintendo-like way. There are a lot of on-demand video services, so there's no reason to do the same thing, so we're going to do something different."

A "Nintendo-like way"?  What, my videos are going to have to exchange Friend Codes before I can watch them?  I'm curious about what the company has in mind, but this late in the game it seems a bit redundant to introduce this sort of service.  It's like when it was announced that the Nintendo DSi features cameras and a music player.  Anyone who wanted pocket devices with those abilities probably has those needs settled by now.
