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Kombo Breaker - Episode 20: Wrecking Ball!

Kombo BreakerHistory has been made on Kombo Breaker this week as I am presented with a topic of which I know nothing and have no real opinion.  Our guest for this episode is Paul Edwards, Lead Designer for THQ's soon-to-be-released Legends of Wrestlemania, and since I'm not a wrestling guy, I pretty much just clam up and let the pros talk shop during the interview portion of the show.  I'm not totally silent though, as we spend the first half of the program discussing Joey's impending wedding, Brad's dirty LittleBigPlanet dance, Dan's thoughts on the upcoming Wallace and Gromit game (more on that next week once the embargo lifts), and my continuing experiences with Lara Croft and the damn scary giant underground Mexican jungle spiders of Tomb Raider: Underworld, among other topics.  Come for the MP3 file (or the iTunes subscription), stay for the surprisingly short show notes.
