Weekly Poll: Instant Wiiplay
Third-Person Mirror's Edge Hack Provides New Perspective

Ambitious Lost Planet Movie Is Expensive

Lost PlanetCapcom really wants to make movies. I can understand that. After all, the company does own the rights to many popular game franchises that could become decent films if the right creative people were involved. There's a new Street Fighter movie just weeks away from release that has somewhat of a mild buzz attached to it. Start small, right? Then GO HUGE with a $200 million Lost Planet movie!  Empire has the story.

Lost Planet, the hit game from Capcom, is in development as a film, and their "Head of Character Contents Business" Toshihiro Tokumaru has revealed that the film's likely to cost $150-200 million.

Good luck making that movie, gang. Somehow I can't imagine the major movie studios stepping up to spend that kind of money in this sour economy on an untested property like Lost Planet when there are larger, more potentially profitable properties just waiting in the wings.
