There's No Place Like PlayStation Home (Or So They Tell Me)
EA Puts Brakes On Need For Speed Franchise?

Weekly Poll: Going Home

Weekly Poll for 12-8-2008After exploring a few Blu-ray discs I, like many of you who have seen a Blu-ray movie, have come to the conclusion that they're overpriced, but my goodness they are good eye candy.  The Dark Knight is one of the most visually impressive films I've seen at home in a long, long time.  Maybe in a year or three when/if the format becomes more popular we'll see prices start to come down.  I think I may end up preferring Blu-ray for television show box sets over movies because television show sets tend to include more commentaries and mini-documentaries.  I started on the season one set of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles last night and am already impressed with the special features presented in high definition. 

And while we're talking about PlayStation-related things, I might as well ask if you've tried the new PlayStation Home service.  I finally got in over the weekend and found myself wondering about the value of wandering around a virtual world of idiots all cursing at one another or trying to hit on the lone single female avatar that would pass through the Central Plaza hub.  What do you think of Home so far?  Let's hear your thoughts. 
