The Rise And Fall Of Agathor
December 24, 2008
You can keep your World of Warcraft and your Everquest. The most entertaining MMORPG I've ever seen is Dragon Scuffle. About a year and a half ago I told you about the "Dungeons and Wagons" episode of FOX's American Dad in which Steve Smith and his friends leap into the the world of online gaming. Steve becomes the mighty Agathor... at least until his sister Hayley enters the fray as Morwin Nerdbane and slays him with a single spoken word. Seeking redemption, Hayley and her on-again, off-again boyfriend Jeff (as Zamfir the man-goat thing) embark on a dangerous quest to bring Agathor back to life in a hilarious skewering of the gaming genre. Oh, and there's a subplot about patriarch Stan Smith becoming an illegal street racer to excite his wife. For those of you who missed it the first time around, the episode is back online for free legal viewing (in North America) over at Hulu. Be sure to stay all the way to the end for the final perfect punchline.