CONTEST: Win Mirror's Edge
November 13, 2008
Lots of you out there entered to win the Mirror's Edge soundtrack, but only five of you won, meaning that the rest of you have probably been inconsolable since learning of your losing ways. Well, take heart! I'm not done giving away Mirror's Edge goodies just yet. Here's your chance to win a copy of Mirror's Edge for the Microsoft Xbox 360 and the soundtrack album courtesy of Filter. You probably know the routine by now. Just send an e-mail to [email protected] by Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 5:00 PM ET. I'll choose one entry at random to win the prize. Be aware that the entries from the previous Mirror's Edge contest will not be carried over, so if you entered that contest and would like a crack at this one, you'll need to enter again.
Here come the customary rules and caveats. Contest open only to those with North American mailing addresses (sorry, international readers, but you know how it is by now), PTB is not responsible for lost or misdelivered entries and/or prizes, the winner will be notified to provide a mailing address that will be turned over to Filter for prize delivery, this base will explod in sixty seconds. Good luck!