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New PS3 Bundle Available At Last

Playstation 3 160 GB Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Pack If you're like me (and I know I am) then you've been waiting for just the right Sony PlayStation 3 bundle to come along before pulling the trigger on such an expensive retail commitment.  I decided to jump on the bandwagon when the 160 GB bundle featuring Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and a DualShock 3 controller reached the North American market, so when opened up preorders for this package this morning, I heeded the call.  I've selfishly reserved mine already, so now I'm passing the news along to you.  The bundle won't be released until November 30, 2008, but I'm patient.  Besides, now I'll have time to figure out how to integrate the console into my ever-growing collection of wires and cables that snake behind my entertainment cabinet.
