Sega Neptune Lives!
Beyond Beeps: Rockin' Kats

Weekly Poll: Wants And Needs

Weekly Poll for 12-26-2007It looks like the poll results basically broke even for last time. Oddly enough, there weren't any games that I really wanted as holiday gifts last month.  Everything I had wanted I'd either bought for myself before December or was sent to review.  So it all worked out in the end and I wound up with a nice stack of non-gaming DVDs to explore over the holiday break. 

Moving on, game consoles can do so much these days.  Depending on which console(s) you acquire it's possible to watch DVD movies, high definition movies, play music CDs, read the news, check the weather, download media content (both purchased material and graymarket bootlegs), and so much more.  Which extra feature is the most important to you?  Above all else, which one capability should a game console feature beyond just playing games?  Let's hear your thoughts.  The poll contains a few ideas to get you thinking, but feel free to vote for the "other" option and fill in the blank.
