Weekly Poll: Speedy Thing Goes In

Monkey Math Misses Mark

Donkey Kong Jr. MathYou've been consuming mass quantities Wii Points ever since Nintendo launched the Virtual Console service, right?  You've been downloading each and every game that's gone through the pipeline, yes?  Even the less stellar stuff like Lunar Pool and Tennis?  I thought so.  And yet there's still one game for which you just cannot justify wasting 500 Wii Points.  You've been actively avoiding Donkey Kong Jr. Math for the Nintendo Entertainment System all this time.  You've been determined not to cross paths with the game that actually makes up the entirety of the Education category in the old NES genre catalog, but now your number is up.  Compendium of Useless Information contributor MNicolai has wasted money so you do not have to and as the first person to play Math in, well, ever, has offered up just what makes this particular "game" tick.

Not only does this game take the fun out of Donkey Kong Jr., it takes the fun out of math. And math was never much fun in the first place. Neither was DK Jr., if you want to be honest. This is how it breaks down: The stages are laid out like Donkey Kong Jr. but with numbers instead of fruit. You and a friend race to add, subtract, multiply or divide to get to the number Donkey Kong holds up. Unless your friends are smart and refuse to play with you, then the second player does nothing. Single player mode is just two player mode with one player. And the numbers are arranged in a haphazard fashion. I'm OK at math, and I had difficulty with some of the five digit puzzles because I had to wrestle with the controls to get to the numbers I wanted.

Well, that finally settles that.  Now, who will take one for the team and risk all to explain J.J. and Jeff for the TurboGrafx-16?
