Investing In The Nintendo 64 Library
January 16, 2008
It's never too early to start planning for retirement. While most people will seek out 401(k) plans and savings accounts, the savvy investor knows that guaranteed wealth comes from hording rare video games. For example, I fully expect to retire to my own private island thanks to a sealed copy of Kwirk that I have in my possession. Then I'll use my Jack Bros. Virtual Boy game to build a mansion on that island. Don't even ask what I have planned for Vegas Dream. When it comes to building a diverse portfolio, however, it may be tempting to stock up on valuable Nintendo 64 games. After all, those game paks were expensive even when they were new, so logically some of them must be worth even more by now. But which games will pay for adding a new wing onto your home? Racketboy crunches the numbers to find out.
Bomberman 64 The Second Attack: $30 - $87
A rare sequel to a game that didn’t sell very well to start with. Second Attack came out near the end of the Nintendo 64’s life cycle which didn’t help the sequel sell any better. Normally, even a boxed version of Second Attack could be scored for under $50, but a sealed copy recently sold on eBay for $87.
Alas, I own none of the really valuable games on the list. I do have a few things from the list of honorable mentions, so maybe if I pool Mario Kart 64, Banjo-Tooie, and Super Mario 64 together I can afford that crystal chandelier for the upstairs dining room after all.
(via Poison Mushroom)