The Cheapest Neo-Geo Games (Relatively Speaking)
More To Come

Let's All Shoot Gorons In The Crotch For Fun

Let's All Shoot Gorons In The Crotch For Fun Nintendo's EAD development team is having fun with us again.  Some screenshots of the upcoming Link's Crossbow Training (no proper "The Legend of Zelda" title for this one?) reveal some of the various things Link has to shoot with his fancy Wii Zapper crossbow: flying dragony things, bad guys on beastback, and, um, a group of Gorons that, for whatever reason, we have to shoot in the crotch.  Huh?  Well, whatever.  Gorons really are made of strong stuff.

In related news, I now have a file named "goroncrotch.jpg" on my server.  The search engines are going to love this one.
