Ocarina of Time Photo Album
August 19, 2007
Remember when The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was born? How it came into this world as a bouncing baby newborn gold game pak just full of adventure and potential for the Nintendo 64? Then we watched it grow into the gray game pak revision, onto its awkward GameCube Master Quest years, and finally into maturity on the Wii's Virtual Console. Platypus Comix has a look back at the game's changes over the years in the Ocarina of Time photo album.
Not only that, [Ganon] also bled rather dramatically when Link smashed him in the face during his Ganon transformation. This was also colored green after the gold carts were sent out. Ocarina of Time was delayed nearly a year... yet there was still a tight race against deadline to bring it to market on November 23, 1998. Given what we see here versus all other versions, it's obvious the gold carts were made first--BEFORE an official verdict came in from the ratings board. Airborne blood automatically gets you a T rating, and that's not what Nintendo wanted. If this game had a more relaxed development schedule, the public might have never seen Ganon bleed at all.
Other topics covered include some very subtle changes to the game's text over several revisions, the infamous Muslim chants removed from the Fire Temple, the lost beam attack, some translation errors, obscure text for sequence breakers, the "swordless Link" glitch, and even a dip into hackerland with the quest for the Triforce and the seam walking technique. Interesting stuff, if not all of it new.