Complete History of Mega Man and Street Fighter Coming In 2008
July 23, 2007
You may think you know Mega Man and Street Fighter, but do you truly know everything about them? Don't worry; this isn't a quiz. Instead it's a chance to study up on two of the most profitable franchises in the world of video games. Chronicle Books and Capcom are working on two volumes that take us through the history of both franchises. Intrigued yet?
It just so happens that both the Mega Man and Street Fighter franchises celebrated their twentieth anniversaries in 2007, so we’re publishing a compact “complete history” of each in Fall 2008. From napkin-scrawled idea to production to million-selling success, both series’ histories will be told in extreme detail in original text and interviews with the developers, animators, and other industry folks. We’re going to pack in tons of art, too–early concept stuff as well as memorable character sprites. My favorite part may be the package itself, though–these are going to be paperbacks, but they’ll come in a partial slipcase that looks like an original Nintendo cartridge sleeve.
I'll definitely pick up the Mega Man book if it's loaded with quality information. Most video game history books have a bad habit of basically saying something such as "Mega Man was released in 1987, and then Mega Man 2 came in 1989. Lots more games came after that" and leaving it at that. I want that character art, I want those interviews, and I even want closer looks at the more obscure Mega Man titles in the series. Rockman and Forte for the WonderSwan, I'm looking at you. The downside to all of this? We have to wait until Fall 2008 for these books. It's time to be patient. READY?
(via GameSetWatch)