Weekly Poll: Macro Madness
Manhunt 2 Told Us It Was Hardcore

EA Reaches Critical Mass, Ruptures

EA shattered And lo I did behold the day that the mighty video game publisher and developer Electronic Arts grew too large to be self-contained, and it did burst and sub-divide into four distinct separate units: EA Sports, EA Games, EA Casual Entertainment and The Sims.  The prophecy has been fulfilled!

Nancy Smith will lead The Sims label; Frank Gibeau will head up EA Games, which will manage titles including—but not limited to—Need for Speed, Medal of Honor, Spore, Battlefield, Burnout, Command & Conquer and The Simpsons; Kathy Vrabeck will head up the recently announced EA Casual Entertainment unit, which houses Harry Potter, Boogie, EA Mobile and Pogo.com; and EA executive VP Joel Linzner will lead EA Sports until a president is appointed for that label.

I believe this is a good thing for EA and for their customers.  Now each head of the beast can concentrate on one specific area of the gaming market instead of trying to hit all targets at once, fortifying profits and allowing each segment to focus tightly on each fan base.  I'm surprised that The Sims is large enough to justify becoming its own unit, although I'm reading that as The Sims as opposed to the Sim series of games (SimCity, SimFarm, etc).  Good luck to you, EA.  Now don't screw it up.   
