Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game Explained
January 30, 2007
Way back when Capcom had the Street Fighter money-making machine cranking along at full power there was a little movie called simply Street Fighter. You may remember it as the story of General Bison's plans for world domination peace known as the "Pax Bisonica" and the efforts of a multicultural fighting force to bring down his war machine. Seeing as how the Street Fighter II line of games were enormously popular at the time and that a lot of movies often turn up as licensed video games, it was only natural for Street Fighter: The Movie to spawn Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game. Unfortunately, anyone who has played the game can tell you that the overall quality just isn't up to the usual Street Fighter standards. How did it all go wrong? How did so much potential turn into what wound up in the arcades? Alan Noon (one of the game's co-designers, actors, and artists) has turned up on the Shoryuken forums to dish the dirt and tell the tale.
Perhaps this is all my perception, but looking back, I remember that there was some amount of confusion as to what it was we were making exactly. It could have been the international game of “Telephone,” but somewhere along the communication chain from the Capcom Japan guys to the Capcom USA guys, to our management, down to the team, there seemed to be mixed signals. I distinctly recall that originally during the pitch process the game was billed as Street Fighter 3. We were to pull out all of the stops and make the greatest Street Fighter ever. More characters! Digitized graphics! New combo system! The works! We set about writing up all kinds of great stuff to include in the final product. One of those things was even Sheng Long.
The story is still ongoing as I write this, but it's well worth your time to read through it all. So far I've been more entertained by the stories than I've ever been by the arcade game. Noon answers questions you never knew you had and explains why some of the rather, er, wacky aspects of the arcade game turned out how they did in between chronicling just what went into making the game of the movie based on the game that was a sequel to another game few people ever played.
(via NeoGAF)