Wii Virtual Console Roundup
November 22, 2006
One of the neat and ongoingly expensive aspects of the Nintendo Wii is the Virtual Console which allows players to purchase and download every classic video game ever made ("every" meaning whichever games publishers deem profitable after all these years). Unfortunately, not every game offered on the service is worth the money. 1Up.com has a great review of the first crop of VC games in which they separate the junk from the funk.
Yeah, so there are only fourteen titles current available on VC. That's not so many. The good news, of course, is that this is an issue that should resolve itself in time, as Nintendo has promised to release a dozen different titles every month. Until then, you have this handy reference guide to let you know what's worth your hard-earned Wii Points.
So far I've taken the VC plunge with Hudson's classic TurboGrafx-16 title Bonk's Adventure (as foretold by the prophecy), and while I like the overall experience, I'm looking forward to better games than the Solomon's Key and Wario's Woods currently offered. Then again, I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said this week by every other Wii owner with an Internet connection.