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Weekly Poll: Mario Kartcade

Weekly Poll for 10-16-2006I still want to get hold of a game character statue for a character for which I have an affinity, but it looks like I'll be waiting for either better models to come out or for prices to drop.  Skull Kid just doesn't excite me.  From the looks of things, he may not excite most of you either.

Something else I want to get my hands on is the Mario Kart arcade game.  Last week the first word of a sequel slipped out from Japan.  A sequel!  I can't even find the first one around here.  So my question for you all this week is whether or not you've played the mythical Mario Kart Arcade GP.  Cast your vote and leave some comments (especially if you're one of the lucky souls who have plunked down some money for arcade karting action).   
