Weekly Poll: Fantastic Plastic
October 02, 2006
The majority of you are holding off on buying a new console in November? With the exception of those who have to wait for consoles to be released in their countries, I must ask: where's your sense of gamer duty? We all have a responsibility to purchase these products or they just might stop making them! But seriously, it's going to be an expensive fourth quarter.
Last week word came out that Nintendo is temporarily switching to cardboard boxes for new DS games over the traditional plastic cases. We've had some good discussion on the topic, but I'd like to see the plastic versus cardboard debate done up with numbers and little bar graphs. So, with that in mind, vote for your packaging preference, leave some comments on the matter if you haven't already, and then we can all get back to obsessively arranging our game boxes and cases in alphabetical order by genre and console.