Anticipating Wii/DS Connectivity
The World Of Nintendo: Second Strike

Packrat Trashes Console Collection; Gamers Weep

Dumbass!I'll be the first to admit that I'm a gaming packrat.  I still have all of my old gaming consoles, all of my old games, the novelty controllers that only work with one or two games, and even all of the old game boxes (packed away in air conditioned storage currently).  I'm not the only one who has a hard time letting go, apparently.  Some dumbass guy over at NeoGAF decided to dump a whole collection of his classic consoles into the trash rather than move them to his new home.  The reaction from the community is about what you'd expect.

From a gamer point of view you deserve to be shot, hanged and then dropped in a river with concrete boots.  No wait... instead can we just burn you at the stake and call you a witch?  I am disgusted, I DEMAND that you never touch a video game again.
I'm still at a point in my life where I can't imagine parting with my beloved game consoles and cartridges.  I have this little dream where someday when I have the space in my home I want to line up all the consoles from NES to Wii and beyond, hook them all to the television, and be able to play any game I want from a period spanning over twenty years.  It's all part of my ultimate media room master plan. 
