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Anticipating Wii/DS Connectivity

Wii DS One aspect of the Nintendo Wii that hasn't been followed-up lately is how it will connect to the Nintendo DS to provide interesting gameplay additions.  Hopefully we're looking at the next step beyond linking a GameCube to a Game Boy Advance, because I personally don't know anybody who bothered to purchase the required hardware (and software) and then gather it all together for multiplayer fun.  I don't just want to use the DS as a secondary input device in Wii games.  Let's do like the gang at NeoGAF and brainstorm some ideas "outside of the box" as to how the two systems could interact.

[V]isual controllers have always been the holy grail of video gaming.  All the way back to the VMU I've been excited about it. With the DS and Wii and WiFi now, Nintendo is in the perfect stance (and Sony to a slightly lesser degree also, to be fair) to have connectivity that really matters. I hope they do it. To have a touch screen interface into home console games on the Wii, or even just something as stupidly fun as Pac Man Vs. again, would be awesome. Hopefully Nintendo (and third parties) will be able to make it work.
My favorite idea so far is the idea of using the DS as a PDA that ties into the game world.  Imagine receiving messages or even voice mail from characters who are not on the TV screen at that very moment.  What if Princess Zelda could send Link an e-mail that shows the location where Ganon is holding her?  Remember the father in Earthbound who would call Ness on his cell phone and remind him (and you, the player) to take a break from the action?  He could call your DS instead.  It's all part of that ongoing idea that the characters we play are connected to us, the players.  I think it could be an interesting idea to develop.
