Afternoons At The Clubhouse
Roundtable Discussion Asks "What Are You Playing?"

Biker Mice Revived For Some Reason

Biker Mice From Mars I've been calling for beloved forgotten video game revivals for some time now, but as they say, the only thing worse than not getting what you want is getting what you want.  For reasons I'll probably never understand, game developer Crest Studios is reviving the dead 1993 cartoon property Biker Mice From Mars for the Sony PlayStation 2 and the Nintendo DS to tie in with a new Biker Mice cartoon series.  Never heard of the biker mice?  I was vaguely aware of the franchise, but even I had to do a little research on the premise.

[Biker Mice From Mars] is about three humanoid motorcyclist mice named Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie who escaped a war on their home planet Mars. They eventually end up crash landing on Earth in the city of Chicago. There they meet a charming female mechanic named Charlene "Charley" Davidson and discover that the Plutarkians have come to Earth to exploit its natural resources. The Plutarkians are a smelly humanoid fish-like race who exploit other planets for natural resources because they have wasted all of their own.

Of all the beloved forgotten franchises from which to choose, I have to wonder... why Biker Mice From Mars?  Of course these new games are likely to be the latest in a long time of kiddie cash-in games that lack longterm playability, but still... Biker Mice From Mars?  There's a whole line of fun and memorable dead franchises out there worthy of revival, and on my list Biker Mice is not one of them.  So why now for Biker Mice?  The same reason that Biker Mice was created in the first place: to compete with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.  Now that the turtles are coming back to theaters, all of the old wannabe Turtles clones are rising from the dead as well.  Up next: the all-new Super Street Sharks Extreme!  Jawsome!

(via rllmukforum)
