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Sakurai Teases Fans With New Kid Icarus

PitOne of the fastest ways to whip the retro Nintendo fans into a frenzy is to tease yet again that Nintendo is pondering a new Kid Icarus title.  As you'll recall, hero Pit's inclusion in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl has touched off rumors that Angel Land's savior may yet return in his first solo adventure since 1991.  Now Smash director Mashahiro Sakurai has made some comments on a Nintendo forum mentioning Pit and his possible future (among other things).

I was well aware that Pit was a popular character in both America and Japan. I tried as best I could to design this version of him in a way that reflected current tastes, so I’m happy to see him so well received.  The creator of Kid Icarus has even jokingly asked if he could make a spin-off using this Pit model.

You're waving meat in front of hungry dogs, Sakurai.  Don't you know that you're not allowed to tease about such things unless a new Kid Icarus game is actually in production?
