EA Has Second Original Idea In Years
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Want Warioware Wii?

Wario WareThat bastion of video game journalism, Time Magazine, has first word on a new Warioware microgame title for the upcoming Nintendo Wii.  A Warioware title was inevitable, but to be honest I didn't expect to see one demoed quite so soon.  AMN has some quotes from the relevant Time.

During their time with the forthcoming console, the publication played three unique demos of Wii titles, the first off which being a Warioware offering that required the user to use the controller to "swat a fly, do squat-thrusts as a weight lifter, turn a key in a lock, catch a fish, drive a car, sauté some vegetables, balance a broom on my outstretched hand, color in a circle and fence with a foil. And yes, dance the hula."

I "get" the whole microgame thing, but I have to admit that it never quite held my attention.  Maybe it's just me, but I like to think that I proved that I can push a single button at the precise moment a long time ago.  Oh, and the aforementioned article also has some new Wii-related info on some game called Zelda Princess or some such title.  You know, if you're into that sort of thing...
