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Mother 3 Looks A-OK

Mother 3Now that Mother 3 (Earthbound 2 to us non-Japanese folks) has been released in Japan the fan-ripped video clips and MP3s are starting to appear online.  Nintendo Gal has a few (non-spoiler) things to see from the opening introduction sequence plus a few song files just waiting to be heard.

After watching the clips and listening to the music I have to say that from what I've seen so far it follows the Earthbound legacy exactly.  The visual style and "camera" angles are precise and there's even some Runaway Five beats in one of the songs.  Fans who have been following the game's development since its Nintendo 64 days (nearly ten years ago) may recognize one of the songs from the game's first development period.  The only thing not right about this game is that it isn't already on Nintendo's worldwide release list.  Here's hoping for an announcement at E3.

(Thanks to Terrence Breitsameter)
