Immature Players Spread Warcraft Disease
September 19, 2005
Neat thing: there now exists a disease in the MMORPG game World of Warcraft that not only saps energy from players, but is also communicable to other players. Not-so-neat thing: Some infected players are being immature pests and purposely spreading the disease to as many people as possible.
Blizzard adds in a new instance, Zul'Gurub. Inside is the god of blood, Hakkar. Well, when you fight him he has a debuff called Corrputed Blood. It does like 250-350 damage to players and affects nearby players. The amazing thing is SOME PLAYERS have brought this disease (and it is a disease) back to the towns, outside of the instance. It starts spreading amongst the general population including npcs, who can out generate the damage. Some servers have gotten so bad that you can't go into the major cities without getting the plague (and anyone less than like level 50 nearly immediately die).
This is yet another reason I don't want to get involved with a MMORPG. Diseases are a natural part of life (real or virtual), but people who intentionally spread illnesses just to be jerks deserve a special place in Hell (real or virtual). Case in point, I'm currently dealing with a nasty cold thanks to a guy at a board meeting last week who shook hands with all of us in attendance. He had a cold and was obviously sick later in the meeting, but all of us who shook hands earlier didn't know until it was too late. Purposely spreading germs around is a Grade-A asshole thing to do in any reality. I get enough of it in real life. I don't need to pay a monthly fee for the privilege of becoming ill or dead in a video game.