Sony Enters Intangible Goods Market
Gotta Bless 'Em All!

Playboy Provides PSP Porn

PlayboyPlayboy is about to begin offering downloadable pornography designed exclusively for the Sony PlayStation Portable.  Before you start tossing credit cards at Playboy be sure to read the article over at Gamasutra.  Playboy's plans involve selling nude photos of upcoming Playmates for download to Memory Sticks that are then inserted into the PSP.  Photos of clothed models will be free.  I know that the notion of porn driving technology adoption is somewhat of a cliché, but here we are witnissing it again.  Don't miss this quote from's editor:

"We know that many Playboy fans are also gaming enthusiasts who are likely to buy this type of device, so it was a natural progression for us to design this," said John. D. Thomas, editor of

Ah yes, at last!  Mobile porn!  Because those heavy magazines are so difficult to carry around and we need to give schools another reason to ban the PSP from school grounds.  Here's a great idea for a bundle deal: sell the Playboy downloads with a pack of PSP screen cleaners.
