Some new information about the upcoming Legend of Zelda title for the Nintendo GameCube surfaced online today courtesy of a Spanish gaming magazine. Every article I've read today about this new information is heavy on assumptions from the author of the piece - lots of "it can be assumed" and "which probably means" kind of statements.
Personally, I've grown tired of baseless speculation. Perhaps you've seen the assumptions running around online that because the last Zelda trailer showed a howling wolf briefly, then "it can be assumed" that Link becomes a werewolf in this new game. Where are these ideas coming from? What evidence is there except for "well, it would be cool!"? I've reached the point where I don't want to hear anything about the new Zelda unless it comes straight from a reliable informed source. No more theories, no more guesses, no more assumptions.
In the interest of cutting the useless theories away from the actual information, here is what the Spanish magazine has to say according to IGNCube: