New Zelda For DS Announced
Namco X Capcom Has Been Hiding All This Time?

It's True Because I Said So

Ever notice how year after year the April Fool's Day gags on the Internet tend to get recycled? There's always a popular/well-known website or three that claims to have been sued into dust, others that claim to have been bought out by Google or Yahoo! or the like, and still others that spend the day posting obviously fake news that's supposed to be funny but just feels tired. It's been a quiet week here at Press The Buttons as April Fool's Day (or, as Andy Baio of calls it, "Internet Jackass Day") takes center stage and the real news takes a backseat to fake news that is supposed to be funny, but just comes off as sad instead. It all used to be funny years ago, but the jokes are all stale and overdone. Now that the Internet has gotten it all out of it's system for the year, hopefully we can get back to business.

In a totally unrelated story, it was announced today that Elton John has agreed to compose and perform two original songs for the upcoming Legend of Zelda title for the Nintendo GameCube. No, seriously. It's true because I said so.
